Looking  to brush up on your grammar, deepen your understanding of the intricacies of French ? 

During school holidays Alliance Francaise organizes French refresher for each level in order to review all the important basis.
Before jumping to the next level join our refresher courses to consolidate your basis in French depending on your needs.

Workshops are available for A1 (beginners), A2 (elementary) and B1&B2 (intermediate) levels. 

All materials provided by the teacher.

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Spring Refreshers

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A1 Beginner

Refresher A1

-L'intonation montante et descendante / Rising/Falling intonation
-La pronnonciation des verbes en ER / Pronunciation of verbs ending in "ER"
-Le e finale non pronnoncé et le é finale pronconcé / Unpronounced final "e" and pronounced final "é"
-La consonne finale non pronnoncée / Unpronounced final consonant
-L'éllision / Elision

La vie quotidienne /Everyday life.

-Present (verbe en -er + auxiliaires) /  Present tense (verbs ending in -er + to be & to have)
-Les prépositions / Prepositions
-Le futur proche et le passé récent / The near future and recent past

A2 Intermediate

Refresher A2

-Les sons (S) ET (Z) / Sounds "s" and "z"
-Les nasales / Nasal Sounds
-Les liaisons facultatives / Optional linking of words
-L'intonation / Intonation

Le Voyage et les Transports / Travels and modes of transport

-Le passé composé / The "passé composé"
- La négation / Negation
- Le subjonctif / The subjunctive
Les pronoms / Pronouns

B1 Advanced

Refresher B1/B2

- La pronnonciation des voyelle nasales / The pronunciation of nasal vowels
 L'elision / Elision
- La pronnonciation de (oe) / Pronunciation of "oe"
- Les liaisons facultatives / Optional linking of words
- Le verlan / Verlan - French slang

- Les relations sociales et interculturelles / Social & intercultural relationships
- L'art et la culture / Art and culture

- Le subjonctif / The subjunctive
- L'opposition et la consession / Opposition and agreement (linking words, preposition and conjunction)
- L'imparfait, le passé composé / "Imparfait" and "passé composé" tenses
- L'expression de la cause et de la consequence / expressing causes and consequences