Course Fees

To attend classes at Alliance Francaise Auckland you will need:

  1. Your Yearly Registration Fee, this one can be purchased for $60NZD and will be valid for a year from the date of purchase
  2. Enrolled to a Course depending on your level and expectations
  3. Have your TextBook (Edito / Texto) that match your level, this one can be purchased at the Alliance Francaise Auckland


Early Bird Discount - 5% off group classes (Not applicable for Language or Culture Workshops)
Available until 2 weeks before the Term
Conditions - can't be combined with other offers

Double Classes Enrolment Discount - 10% off group classes
3 Classes Enrolment Discount - 15% off group classes
4 Classes Enrolment Discount - 20% off group classes

When a student enrols in two classes in one term (Intensive and regular class or 2 regular classes of the same Term)
Conditions - can't be combined with other offers

Students Discount -10% off group classes when presenting a valid University Student's Card (under 25 years old) 
Conditions - can't be combined with other offers
Senior Discount -10% off group classes when presenting a valid ID (over 60 years old)
Conditions - can't be combined with other offers

Children's Courses - (Regular or CHP) : applies for the same product when bought at the same time for a sibling
-5% for 2 children (applies to each of the enrolments) 
-10% for 3 children (applies to each of the enrolments)
for 4 children (applies to each of the enrolments)

Conditions - can't be combined with other offers

Special discount Regular Course + (Conversation and/or Grammar and Pronunciation) Workshops - 10% off the Workshops
Conversation for a price of $360 instead of $400
Conditions - can be combined with Early Bird offer, reduction applies on the Conversation or the Workshop.

DELF Preparation Class
If you are a student of AFA, which means that you have a current valid registration when purchasing the product, you will be entitled to a 10% off the Preparation class.

Parrainage : pour l’apporteur d’élève et sous réserve que tous les cours soient achetés ensemble :
➢ 1 élève parrainé = -10% pour le parrain
➢ 2 élèves parrainés = -15% pour le parrain
➢ 3 élèves parrainés = -20% pour le parrain
➢ 4 élèves parrainés = -25% pour le parrain
➢ 5 élèves parrainés = -50% pour le parrain

Le parrainage s’entend comme suit :
- Pour le même cours, même niveau, même horaire
- Le parrain doit être inscrit au cours
- Un étudiant parrainé pour un cours ne peut pas être parrain pour le même cours
- Le niveau de l’élève, parrain comme parrainé, est donné par l’AFA.
Deux cas :
o soit l’élève est déjà un élève de l’Alliance dont le niveau est connu, et le niveau choisi est en cohérence avec son niveau réel ;
o soit l’Alliance ne connait pas l’élève et/ou ne peut se prononcer sur son niveau : dans ce cas, le test de niveau est obligatoire et fera foi.

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