DAEFLE is a diploma designed for those who intend to become French language teachers.

  • Diploma administered by the Alliance Française de Paris and the CNED (Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance).
  • The DAEFLE preparation training is done via correspondence and can be completed in one or two years.
  • Anyone who would like to participate in this training will have to take the DAEFLE Test d'accès before being registered. This test evaluates the French competency of the candidates to ensure they will succeed the DAEFLE Final exam.

Further information on this link.


The test is online. You will take it from the comfort of your home, using your own device. The Alliance Française Paris will liaise with you about the technical aspects of the test once you are enrolled with us.

You will find all the information regarding the Test d'Accès on this page.

Enrolment process:

From 2022, enrolments to the Test d'Accès have to be made directly with the Alliance Française de Paris. 

The enrollment process is described in this document.


The test takes place at our office in Remuera. 

Sessions dates 2024

December session

  • Enrolment deadline: 13th of November
    Examination: 12 & 13th of December (9am to 5pm)
  • Results: 14th of March 2025

Past sessions:

April session

  • Enrolment deadline: 26th of March
  • Examination: 10th of April (9am to 5pm)
  • Results: 12th of July

May session

  • Enrolment deadline: 3rd of May
  • Examination: 30th & 31st of May (9am to 5pm)
  • Results: 18th of September

Enrolment process

  1. Download and fill in the registration form for the Examen Final (here).
  2. Send it to school@alliance-francaise.co.nz.
  3. Make your payment by clicking on the prices below.  

  • May session - $705
  • December session - $705
