Last update and effective from: 01/06/2024

By purchasing an Alliance Française Auckland (“AFA”) product, you tacitly agree to this updated version of the Terms & Conditions and enter into a contract with AFA.



If you have some interest in the Alliance Française Auckland, you may become a member


By applying for membership, or enrolment to an AFA program, one accepts these terms & conditions and any rules published or subsequently amended by AFA, or any additional regulations established by AFA.

Breach of any of these terms & conditions, or any AFA rules or regulations by a member or learner, or failure to comply with New Zealand law may result in suspension or expulsion of the member or learner by AFA and consequential forfeiture of fees. No refund shall apply.


Subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act, 1993, personal information collected by AFA either during the application process or subsequently may be stored and used for the purpose of administration, shared with AFA organizations, and exploited for the purposes of promotion and publicity. 

During AFA’s activities, encompassing classes, workshops, talks, exhibition tours, etc., photographs may be periodically taken. These images may be used in various communication materials such as brochures, websites, social medias platforms, etc., to promote AFA’s services and activities. 

Should any individual prefer that their photograph not be used for communication purposes, AFA kindly request them to directly contact us at information@alliance-francaise.co.nz 

AFA is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our member’s personal information. To read our Privacy Policy in more detail, please click here.


A. Definitions

1. Member
A member is any Person/Family/Institute/Corporate who agrees to pay the membership fees. The status and rights of members are defined in the AFA’s Constitution.

Membership is valid for one year from the membership payment date.

2. Types of membership

  • Individual: any person between the age of 18 and 64 years old. Individual membership is personal and does not extend to family or friends.  
  • Youth: any person before the age of 18 years old. Youth membership is personal and does not extend to family or friends.  
  • Family: includes two parents (or legal guardian) and up to two children under 18 years old. 
  • Senior: any person from the age of 65 years old. Senior membership is personal and does not extend to family or friends.  

3. Membership entitles to:...

  • enroll in classes or follow tuition at the Alliance Française Auckland
  • access the Multi-Media Library/Culturethèque
  • benefit from free or discounted entrance to cultural events
  • benefit from discount with AFA partners (for more information, please refer to the AfA website or ask at reception)
  • receive the e-newsletter of the Alliance and information on the organized events by the Alliance.

4. Membership requirement
A membership (youth, individual, family or senior) is mandatory to follow tuition or enroll in classes. 

B. Membership fee payment terms

1. Payment delay
Payment for the membership must be completed within 48 hours of the purchase date. AFA reserves the right to cancel any membership that remains unpaid after this period, with a notification sent to the purchaser.

2. Validity and Renewal
Membership is valid one year from the date of payment. 

Membership will be automatically renewed each year on the anniversary of the enrollment date. A reminder notification about the automatic renewal will be sent by email 1 month before the membership expiration date.

As mentioned in the reminder notification, to cancel the renewal, written notice of intent to cancel must be provided before the renewal date. Failure to provide such notice will result in the membership being automatically renewed for the subsequent year.

3. Refund conditions
The membership is non-refundable.

4. Membership card 
The membership card will be issued upon completion of the membership fee payment.
Membership cards will not be sent by mail. The card can be collected at Alliance Francaise reception desk, 131 Remuera Road, Remuera 1050. 

The membership card mentions at least the member’s full name, the expiry date, and the member number. The card is nominative, non transferable.
In the case of a Family membership, the card will mention the family’s last name. Members may request to receive multiple membership cards.


A. Enrollments, confirmation and commitment

1. Enrollment

Enrollment is for a complete session of courses, according to the product description defined by AFA. 
Should an enrollment occur after the start of a session, may lead to a price adjustment and only under the following conditions: 

  • enrollment after the start of a session and until the planned end of that session,
  • acceptance by the administration,
  • validation by the educational coordinator.

No adjustments will be accepted for missed sessions during or at the end of a session.

For persons under 18 years of age at the time of enrollment, all enrolments must be done by a parent or legal guardian.

2. Tuition’s confirmation

An enrollment is only valid once payment is received by Alliance Francaise.

However, payment for a course does not constitute confirmation. AFA commits to sending a confirmation email a few days before the start of the class/tuition.

3. Commitment

Learners and persons participating in an activity should note carefully the date and time of commencement of their course or activity. (Please see AFA website, phone or ask at reception). 

Alliance Française Auckland cannot be responsible for missed classes.

Classes may be canceled and class time may be reduced due to force majeure, emergencies, or other unexpected contingencies. In these circumstances, a refund or credit option can be offered by Alliance Francaise. 

AfA cannot be responsible for changes or restrictions due to Covid-19 that would prevent face-to-face classes from being held. However, in such an event, AfA will offer alternative online classes. No refunds will apply if a learner chooses not to attend the alternative on-line option.

Individual users are liable for any damage caused to equipment and facilities provided by the AFA.

Learners are expected to endeavor to attend classes regularly and arrive on time. Mobile phones must be switched off or kept in silent mode during classes.

B. Collective classes

1. Definitions
A course is a pre-purchase of a set number of hours of classes to complete a level (adults) or a unit (for kids), scheduled on a specified day and at a specified hour. 
A session is the time required to complete a course, as defined by AFA. Examples: it usually corresponds to 10 weeks for a Term session or 2 weeks for a school holidays session to complete A1.1 course. 

A ‘Collective class’ will run subject to a minimum of 5 students. The Alliance Française reserves the right to cancel a group-course with fewer than 5 enrolments. 
In this case, enrolled learners may be offered the option of semi-private classes (see TRANSFERS, CANCELLATION, CREDIT, REFUND POLICY section).

AFA shall determine the class placement and academic progression of each learner, at its sole discretion. The availability of places in any advertised course is subject to enrolment, on a first come first served basis.
Prior to first enrolment, learners will normally complete a language level test, free of charge, in order to determine class placement.

2. Type and description

These include (non-exhaustive list - subject to any necessary adjustment by the Alliance Francaise to ensure the teaching of the planned curriculum):

  • Adults Term courses - 20 hours: 2 hours per week over 10 weeks. Available for any learner from 14 years old. 
  • Kids Term courses: 10 hours: 1 hour per week over once a week - for any kids from 2 to 13 years old. 
  • Intensive courses - mainly during school holidays: 20 hours: 10 hours per week. 
  • Annual programs (non-exhaustive list) 

One Day et School: 216 hours  - 6 hours per week, 36 weeks over the year (4 terms) - for any learner from 5 to 10 years old 
Annual class and DELF exam: 40 hours - 1 hour per week, 40 weeks over the year (4 terms). for any learner matching the age group and level of the class. 

  • DELF/DALF exam preparation classes

3. Location 
Collective courses can be held :

  • in person in Alliance Francaise premises or antennas, 
  •  in any other premises rented by or made available to Alliance Francaise, 
  • online. 

C. Private and semi-private tuitions

1. Definitions
A ‘Private or Semi-private tuition’ refers to any tuition package for up to 4 learners, adults, teenagers, or children.
A package is a pre-purchase of a set number of hours of tuition.

2 .Scheduling, adjustments and renewal 
The private or semi-private tuition will only be organized after AFA receives the payment and within a 2-week period.

Private courses are organized by AFA taking into account the student's learning objectives and requests in terms of pace, volume of hours, and schedule ; subject to the availability of a teacher and after validation by the Head of Study.

In the case of private/semi-private lessons or distance learning lessons, postponement and rescheduling may be possible in limited circumstances. 
To be approved, all learners in the group must agree and AFA (teacher and coordinator) must be notified by email not less than 48 hours before the scheduled lesson time, requesting postponement. 
If these conditions are fulfilled, AFA will do its best to reschedule the lesson. However, learners should note that rescheduling may not be possible (due to room constraints and/or teacher availability) and AfA shall be under no obligation to do so.

In the above case, failure to notify within 48-hours of the scheduled lesson will result in the lesson being counted as billable and will not be replaced, irrespective of whether learners attend or not.

Failure to attend or obtain a rescheduling will result in forfeiture of course fees. In case the course was provided to the present learners, the course won’t be caught up for the absent ones unless additional courses are bought for that purpose.

For scheduled private or semi-private classes, lesson time will not be extended beyond the pre-arranged finish time due to lateness.

3. Location 
Private or semi-private tuitions can be held : 

  • in person in Alliance Francaise premises or antennas 
  • in person in any other premises rented by or made available to Alliance Francaise - additional fees will be incurred, calculated on a per kilometer basis, taking into account the distance between the Alliance’s premises, 131 Remuera Road, Remuera 1050 and the location of the classes.
  • online
  • at home, means based on the learner’s premises, or at an external location- additional fees will be incurred, calculated on a per kilometer basis, taking into account the distance between the Alliance’s premises, 131 Remuera Road, Remuera 1050 and the location of the classes.

4. Additional terms and conditions for Distance Learning lessons
Should AFA experience technical disruption preventing the provision of a scheduled private on-line class, a “make-up” lesson will be arranged at the earliest convenience for the learner and AFA. 
Please note that no refund shall be available.

AFA cannot be responsible for the quality of the learner’s internet connection, equipment quality, or related issues.

Distance learners are responsible for ensuring they have correctly installed software - Zoom or other Distance Learning application as specified and agreed with AFA. 
Distance learners are responsible for ensuring they have a working high-speed internet connection, relevant user account and ID, and suitable headset and microphone for their Distance Learning tuition.

Should a distance learner be in a different time zone from NZST, the learner is responsible for ensuring they are available at the correct prearranged time relative to NZST.

A Distance Learning lesson shall be considered terminated by force majeure if the lesson is disrupted by very bad audio quality, internet disruption on either side of the tuition, or instability of the Distance Learning application’s platform.
In case of force majeure, if more than 75% of the lesson has been completed, the whole lesson is deemed complete. If less than 75% of the lesson has been completed, any shortfall of time will be made up by credit on account.

D. Workshops

Any workshop directly linked to French learning, such as (non-exhaustive list): 

  • Refreshers, 
  • Cultural workshops,
  • French for Travelers program. 

E. Tuition fees payment terms 

All courses and tuitions prices published by AFA are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax of 15%.

Membership fees are additional to tuition costs.
Tuition fees do not include the cost of textbooks. Prescribed textbooks are compulsory and may be purchased by learners from the Alliance Française Auckland.

Tuition fees are nominative, non-transferable to a third person. In other words, only the person enrolled for the course may attend.

1. Payment delay

All tuition must be arranged and paid for in advance, no later than 48 hours after the purchasing date.

In case of non-payment, the Alliance reserves the right to deny access to the class or tuition.

2. Installments policy
A payment schedule can only be arranged upon the student's request and with AFA's approval. 

AFA is not obligated to agree to a request for a payment schedule. 

a) Collective and private courses: 
Full payment must be made no later than two weeks before the end of the session. 

b) Annual classes:
Full payment must be made no later than July 5th of the year. 

c) Workshops/Refreshers: 
No payment schedule is available for workshops.

Installments are non-refundable.
Late-or non-payment of the installment can result in cancellation of the learner’s enrollment.

3. Methods of payment
Payment can be made by credit card (with a surcharge for credit and contactless cards), in cash, or by bank transfer.


Alliance Française Auckland organizes a number of activities /events and offers services, for which membership can be required. 
If a membership is not required, members may be eligible for discounted fees for some activities/events. 
Details about each activity/event are made available on AFA website or at reception. 

Alliance Française Auckland cannot be responsible for missed activities/events.

Activities/events may be canceled and/or be reduced due to force majeure, emergencies, or other unexpected contingencies. In these circumstances, a refund or credit option can be offered by Alliance Francaise. 

AFA activities offering includes (non-exhaustive list):

A. Book club

AFA “Book Club” meets once per month. Attendees are required to be AFA members to be able to borrow books from the Media Library and have access to Culturethèque.

B. Immersion Trips

Specific Terms & Conditions apply for Immersion trips and Camps organized by Alliance Française. 
These Terms and Conditions are available on the Immersion Trip / Camp information page on AFA website or at reception. 

C. Children Holiday programs

The Children’s Holiday Program is classed as an Activity. 

D. Exams

DELF / DALF and exams or any other exams or tests organized by and/or at Alliance Française Auckland.

E. Services (non-exhaustive list)

Alliance Francaise Auckland offers services such as (non-exhaustive list): 

1. Translations services

From English to French or French to English. 

Translation services are subject to the availability of the certified partner translator. 
The Alliance Française acts as an intermediary and is not obligated to provide a translation solution at all costs, especially in cases of translator unavailability. The Alliance commits to charging for the service only after receiving confirmation from the translator and the client's approval of the quote.

2. Book ordering service 
The book ordering service is offered in partnership with online ordering platforms. AFA Members are eligible for a discount on their order. 
The Alliance Française acts as an intermediary and is not responsible for the availability of requested books, or the delivery times and conditions.

F. Activities, events & services payment terms

All activities, events, services prices published by AFA are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax of 15%.

1. Paid activities, events, services
If a service, activity, or event is paid, payment must be made in advance and no later than 48 hours after the billing date. 
In case of non-payment, the Alliance reserves the right to deny access to the service, activity, or event.

Payment can be made by credit card (with a surcharge for credit and contactless cards), in cash, or by bank transfer.

2. Free activities and events
Should free activities and events require reservations, the Alliance Française reserves the right to deny access to anyone who has not made a reservation as required, for safety and/or logistical reasons.


AFA applies a strict no-refund policy for all products, memberships, courses and activities.
Any approved modification –cancellation, transfer, etc., - of enrollment in collective classes, workshops, exams, tests, etc. will incur an administration fee equal to 20% of the full value of the product purchased, before any discounts.

Pre-paid private or semi-private lessons are valid for one year from the original date of purchase. Unused hours are non-refundable.

A. Cancellation policy

Should a student request to cancel an unpaid invoice, the student agrees to notify AFA as soon as possible to avoid disrupting the organization of the session / tuition. 

1. Paid enrollment/booking (no confirmation)

Should enrollment/booking fee be paid, without confirmation by AFA (see III. A. Enrollments, confirmation and commitment), cancellation is strongly discouraged and only valid under the following conditions: 

  • only in case of major circumstances (serious illness, accident, or unforeseen emergencies)
  • prior approval by AFA Administration. 
  • payment of an Administrative fee, which is calculated as 20% of the value of the initial course / tuition excluding any discount.

2. Paid enrollment/booking with confirmation 

Once the enrollment/booking fee is paid and the course/tuition/activity/event is confirmed by AFA (see III. A. Enrollments, confirmation and commitment), no requests for cancellation, credit, or refund will be accepted.

B. Transfers policy 

Transfers are strongly discouraged. 

Full course fees may be transferred only once, provided an application is made at least one week before the commencement of the session.

After the start of a session, requests to transfer from one class to another, within the same session or from one session to the very next session may be approved. 
Such transfer will be valid only under the following conditions: 

  • in major circumstances, (serious illness, accident, or unforeseen emergencies)
  • the original group maintains a minimum of 5 students and there are available spots in the desired group
  • prior approval by AFA Administration 
  • payment of a Transfer Fee, which is calculated as 20% of the value of the initial package (excluding any discount such as early bird), 
  • payment of any extra amount due to an increase in admission, tuition fees or service tax, or a difference in the number of hours or rates on the day of the transfer request.

No refunds will be approved in the context of a Transfer.


AFA does its best to deliver all advertised schedules, products and services. Nonetheless, AfA reserves the right to vary details, prices, and dates of courses, activities and events without notice and shall not be liable if scheduled courses or contracted services cannot be delivered.

AFA may alter any of these terms and conditions without notice at any time and deny enrolment to any person, at its sole discretion, without explanation.


If a dispute arises, a member/learner must seek to resolve the matter with the staff member concerned to find an amicable solution. Such discussion must be conducted outside of class time.
If the member/learner feels the matter remains unresolved, an appointment may be requested with the AFA General Manager. If the AFA General Manager cannot resolve the matter, the member/learner may contact her/his solicitor.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand for the resolution of any disputes that may arise.

AFA does not accept liability in contract or in tort nor will pay any compensation in respect of any person or property for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense, or inconvenience caused directly, or indirectly by events beyond its control, whether at AFA’s premises or during any AFA social or cultural event of activity. You indemnify us against any claim made against ourselves which may arise because of your actions. AFA is not responsible or liable for breach of any law or regulation by the member.