French Resource Centre - Culture at home

Your French resources at your fingertips!

As a member or student of Alliance Française Auckland you have a great collection of French resources at your fingertips - through our médiathèque in Remuera, and (exclusively for members) through our access to Culturethèque - an online French language library.We have also listed few links to free online ressources for Adults and Kids.

Alliance Française Auckland Médiathèque

Thanks to Felicia and Dominique we have a great selection of books 📕📘📒 to borrow from our Auckland french librairy.

Culturethèque  - your very own French e-library

Become a member Become a member

Other online ressources for Adults

 #Culturecheznous created by the French Ministry of Culture. It has diverse many diverse online ressources for everyone (children, adults)
TV5 Monde which is a French television network, broadcasting several channels of French language programming
Chateau de Versailles that you can visit online
Spotify where you will our playlists of French variety, classic songs and songs for kids
France Télévisions to enjoy manual activities with kids
Marmiton to discover more than 70.000 recipes in French
Theatre Chaillot Theatre National de dance
Visite virtuelle Fondation Monet
TV5 monde: To watch TV
News in slow French: 
RFI; French radio
Jura Region Park Walk in France 

Other online resources for Kids

Quelle Histoire 
Questionner le monde avec Lumni 

La radio des enfants
Radio Kid n Family
France Inter 
France Inter Une histoire-et-oli 

Arte TV, 10 to14 years
Maman j’ai rate l’info, 8 to12 years

France Info TV - Under 10 years

C’est pas sorcier
Il était une fois… la Vie 
TomTom et Nana


Gallimard jeunesse 
Bayard Presse 

Short editions jeunesse 

Le petit quotidien 

Did you know that you could at the same time read and listen to books in 'français facile' ?
Have a look at the following video!